the big red rumble

the big red rumble

A celebration of all of our hard work, camaraderie, and a testament to the power of community.


Lets Get it.

Welkom to holland

The Big Red Rumble is more than just another fitness competition. It’s a celebration of the community we all have come to love. Yes, it’s a competition. But it doesn’t matter who’s on the floor. When the music rises and the weights follow along with the beat this crowd is here to cheer and shout no matter what athlete has taken the plunge.

CrossFit Holland presents to you the best in the West.

Even if you’ve never been here: Welcome home.

3 - 2 - 1 - go


  • (#01) 15 MINUTES OF PAIN

    15 minute AMPRAP

    -one partner at a time

    -10 DB Alt Snatches

    -8 burpee Box Overs

    -6 C2B Pull Ups


    Time Cap: TBD

    -One Partner At A Time

    -200M Row

    -3 Rounds of 30 Thrusters

    -Don’t Die

  • (#03) The Iron Lung

    Part 1

    8 Minutes For Both Parties To Find Max

    -1 Clean

    -2 Hand Clean

    -2 Jerks

    Score Is Combined

    1 Minute Rest Barbell

    Part 2

    5 Mi AMPRAP (Switch Any Time)

    Max Cal Sli Erg

    Max Reps Clean And Jerk

  • (#04) Amanda Huginkiss

    Time Cap: TBD



    Squat Snatches

Join The rumble

Sign up. You’ll like it here.

rumble gear

white t-shirt with black circle

Oh, snap, merch? Coming soon! In the mean while, hit that like button, smash that subscribe button… or something.

Registration (sponsors- coming soon!)

  • This is the big one. You’re gonna hear the Voice of God shouting your business’s name a lot.

  • This one is also awesome. The Voice of God won’t speak it as much, but still will get His Shout Out.